Departure of Head of Football


Dear Parent / Carer,
Departure of Head of Football 
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that Paul Greig has departed the Community Foundation as Head of Community Football. Paul had been with the Foundation since January 2023 and only departed as part of a staffing restructure within the Foundation. Due to the financial position within the charity, steps have had to be taken to reduce direct staffing costs while looking to maintain frontline delivery of all our services and programmes. Paul's role as Head of Community Football has been made redundant along with one other position in the Foundation. 
This change in structure will not affect the delivery of any of our Community Football programmes and your key points of contact in the main will remain the same.  
Paul departs the Foundation on good terms and we all wish him the best for his next opportunity and thank him for the work he has done to strengthen and move our programme forwards. 
Key Contacts will now be as follows for everyone within Hibernian Community Club; 
Club Development Manager - Paul Doig - 
Girls' Section Lead - Ayla Esen - 
Child Wellbeing & Safeguarding - 
CWPO - Daljit Singh (Executive Director - Hibernian Community Foundation)
For all enquiries relating to the overall management of the Community Foundation or concerns relating to Hibernian Community Club and our Community Football offering please contact Executive Director, Daljit Singh on 

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